Collage by Pineapple_edits


9 2
it’s ok. I’m not upset.
I can wait for about 2 more days probably (in your time) which is 1 day in mine
because my time is advanced
did you look at the remix of the person who got perfect?
(I don’t mean I don’t trust you, I trust you but I don’t want to get tricked. sorry if this offends you)
ok. I trust you and I know you’ll never lie
I’m just trying to make sure I don’t get used. honestly, so many people used me in my life
:( people keep using me for some reason :( that’s the sad story behind me. but there are some who doesn’t like you and other people
thank you! me too 💓
happy advanced birthday!
and have a good time!
I’m you’re friend too 💓. You’re one of my few true friends
ok. I’ll give you time.
what you want for your birthday? (last question)
like in pic collage. for your birthday (ex:shoutout, spam, bg pack, etc)
I do this to some people
there’s your birthday gift from me
razz,hows the collab?