Collage by FragileCapricorn


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could you give us any more detail on your problem? we might be able to help you more then :)
is this the tøp version of the frank and gerard clothes swapping thing
I knew you all didn't believe me that's why I went on private be I was hated and I still am
btw it's gorgie here other account
I was forced to make a hatepage by my friends my parents beat me up be my friends said I did somthing bad be I didn't follow them my parents are in jail be I was abused for 4 years no one cared i was hated yeah
kat i tried to leave ypu alone but ypu kept coming back i told ypu about my parents and we wer frens
I was kidding, but it's because everyone is so hyped up for TATINOF, so I'll probably delete that cause everyone thinks I'm talking about Phil
I've been hurting myself is whole time yeah it's true
I left you alone for a week then I posted again you said you didn't care about me be I hurt Meg that hurt me so I came out about my parents and 'friends' and got hate
they told them I bullied so they abused me even more I had to have an operation recently on my ribs bc of it