Collage by Brain-washed


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do ik u or no
hi I’m aliciana
I was just askin cuz u have the same name as my dad -Jacob
hey I’m Ella
hey i’m kennedy
hey, I’m abbie
hi I’m Anna-Marie
o-oh... 🥺💔
stop spreading fxcking rumors
nothing happened
I fxcking fell asleep on her couch now if you have a problem take it up with me not my girlfriend okay? I love her with my entire heart
what’s your deal
how am I cheating😂 by having a friend?
well I broke our friendship off so whatever was there isn’t anymore so stop fxcking spreading rumors
dat so mean 😔
I wasn’t getting drunk with her it was my sisters funeral today and I had a rough day bc Mia wasn’t here
bahaha thx
goodbye Henry 😂🙄