A message to my rosepedals who are to busy studying and stressed out that they forget to take care of themselves~❤️


A message to my rosepedals who are to busy studying and stressed out that they forget to take care of themselves~❤️

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😒😒 they do
thank you emily 💕💖
hah me
aww thanks you
this is so sweet💕💓💞
ok so here’s the tea. we were trying on pantsuits for mock trail and my friend mia (who is very gay btw) was helping me decide if i liked the outfit i picked out or not.... so i walked out of the bathroom stall and she said “DAAAAAMN KATIE U LOOK HOT! LIKE SOMEONE I WOULD DATE! LIKE KATIE I COULD DATE U!” and i felt to awkward and flustered i did f get guns at her while other ppl around us started laughing
*finger guns
how was ur day?😅
also ur new icon is GOLD
and the thing is she always talks about how bi i look, i’m actually flattered by that bc all the cool ppl at my school happen to be bi, but it’s weird... i think she says it bc i go to qsa, have a lob, and kissed my friend idk
awwww just ok? what happened?
it’s a good thing to make👌
dude i’d be uncomfortable too
75% sure i’m straight...? idk it could change in still a youngin
if for now i will😂😂👌
i totally understood what u meant and i get that, don’t worry i’ll be strong *fighing*
but i had a dr appointment yesterday and my shoulder HURTS from my flu shot
sjdjdjksksk im about to once i fix my bio
also ye i agree with u💕 like lisa is hot diggity dang do but would u marry her no?
not u sorry i meant “would i marry her”
awe tysm <33333
how sweet