I'm so bored, and here is a chat with Brett and Jack only... So yeah


I'm so bored, and here is a chat with Brett and Jack only... So yeah

8 1
I'm sky
pllz get jack
lol sorry I'm just happy
I'm crazy, wired, and a psycho to so yeah
lol cool, my cousin wants to know how old is Brett?
cool, and kill me plz
Brett r u single? and I'm not the one that's asking
so Jack don't get all jell, my cousin is the one that is bugging me about it
girl and her name is Christina
she has red hair, freckles, hazel eyes, and she is 13
she kinda looks like me a little
I just made a remix of a pic of my cuz
dámn omg she went off
😭 this is the worst Christmas I every had