These lyrics are from Words As Weapons by Birdy. ✨ I was going to go on a 20 mile bike ride with my friend and her grandparents but her grandpa had to cancel so we rode to an ice cream shop instead! πŸ˜‚πŸ¦


These lyrics are from Words As Weapons by Birdy. ✨ I was going to go on a 20 mile bike ride with my friend and her grandparents but her grandpa had to cancel so we rode to an ice cream shop instead! πŸ˜‚πŸ¦

249 0
wow!! love this!
I love that song
do u mean fire?
love this😍✨
THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AMAZING!! Love this!
love this!!❀️
I love Birdy! Sounds like a great day! ❀️
As usual, I love this collage! I love every little detail you put into each one, and it always turns out beautiful! πŸ’•
Im just WOWED. AMAZED. I can't think of any more..... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ @caption Probably a better workout (going to the ice cream store)πŸ˜‚
sounds fun anyway!😹 I love ice cream😊 but im allergic to it though..😭 sadly but it's alright!!!!!πŸ˜ƒ