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hey anyone i’m Isabel ;) x
hey anyone i’m bella x
hey Bella I’m James
hey james, how are you?
hey you wanna talk to a boy or girl
I would smoke but I'm young... -Harper
so what. have some fun. live while your young
Wanna try together? I'm kinda scared to...
of course.im James btw.
Okay. Well I'm Harper.
you wanna try cigs or weed
*shrugs* You pick. I'm sure you know which is better
I think we should start with cigs.
Okay then lets do it.
*takes out cigarettes and lights both of them*
*takes one* Okay
*smiles and smokes* *coughs and laughs*
*smokes and chuckles*
What? *looks up at you* This is kinda fun
nothing*smokes* I know right
*looks at you when you're not looking and smiles* *smokes*
tell me about yourself*smokes*
*blows smoke* What do ya wanna know?
*smokes* Hmm... well I'm hëłła lonely. Single... bored... love Care Bears... *laughs*
*smokes* cool cool
I'm just playing. I tolerate Care Bears because my nephew watches it... *smokes*
*chuckles and smokes*
*puts my legs on your lap* smoking is fun... *blows smoke up*
I know right I love it*smokes*
*blows smoke in your face* Yeah
*laughs* Tell me about yourself.
I’m a little more of a party boy.i like to smoke and drink I’m dirty and I like to chill out*smokes*
*chuckles* really*smokes*
i can tell about the smoking and drinking but not the dirty part...🔥😂🔥
*smokes* I’m extremely dirty I’m like addicted to sêx
Ooh... Hm... *smokes and smiles*
*takes legs off you lap and opens them a little* I'm getting bored...
well what would you like to do
I don't know. What do you want to do?
ladies choice*smokes
ladies choice
Mmkay... But I still don't know. You seem like you'd have a better idea.