Juno:hey Nejia your wife to be is in labor


Juno:hey Nejia your wife to be is in labor

15 0
you on?
Nejia: ohfûck* runs to the hospital and to the room*hi hunny* grabs her hand and hold it*
cat:mother fixer! hi baby *says more non curse words*
Nejia: Come I’m you can do it
cat:*pushes and screams*
Nejia:* smiles looking at the doctor then to you not knowing what to say.*
Doctor:*20min later hands cat the little girl*. cat:*smiles*
Nejia:* smil3s and kisses cats forehead * look at our beautiful girl
cat:she's gorgeous.*looks up at you* wanna hold her?
Nejia: Yeah * is chocked up* we created her.
cat:yes we did and she's amazing
Nejia: I love her. What should we name her?
cat:*smiles* and she loves you. aria?
Nejia: That’s a beautiful name. She loves you to huny. Hey Aria
Nejia: here you take her* Hands you Aria*
cat:*holds her and smiles down at the little*
Sup Buttercup?
OMG the dance is in two days!!!!!!
Finishing my fanfic.
Any fanfic you want me to write?
I met meg.
she's nice and says she likes me.
But we like just met.
hows Sky?
Nejia:*one tear rolls down my cheek and I smil*
cat:aw baby
Nejia: oh...... shît.
cat:*kisses you* it's alright
Nejia: she’s a demigod
cat: yea
Nejia:posiden told me it’s hard
cat: well so is raising any kid
Nejia: right
cat:*kisses aria's head*
Nejia: she will get bullied if her powers leak
cat: you could teach her to control them
Nejia: yeah that’s the plan
cat:well then she should be fine
Nejia: yeah. somethings wrong with Spencer.
cat:-_- nick....
Nejia: Welp. Spencer just shot him in the head
cat: looks like he got what he wanted
Nejia: I guess so
cat: anyway ready?
Nejia: yeah. for what again?
cat:I wanna go home
Nejia: okay. I’m ready
cat:yay! *hands you the baby and gets up changes* okay ready *smiling*
Nejia:* smiles and rocks aria just a bit* alright* smiles and starts the head towards the door but waits at the door frame for you*
cat:*walks up to you and kisses your cheek* ready
Nejia: yeah let’s go* puts Aria in a stroller and buckles him up then holds your hand*
cat:*holds back and starts walking*
Nejia: * walks next to you pushing the stroller* So how are going to feed her?
cat:well I have bōōbs for a reason ya know
Nejia: okay
Aria:*covering her eyes*
Nejia:* sees* dàmn I have no idea what to do.
cat:*looks up* hmm *puts down the shade thingy to block most the sun*
Nejia:* gets really embarrassed* Heh. right
Nejia: sure
Nejia: okay. well guess what?
Nejia: your going to be a great mother
cat:and your gonna be a great dad
Nejia: We will be great parents.
aria:di! cat:...
Nejia: sorry
aria:*giggles and claps* di,di die! cat:*smiles and kinda laughs* for what
Nejia: Never mind. Did she just say die?
aria:*giggling*. cat:I think so
Nejia: dear god
aria:*stops giggling*. cat:anyway what now
Nejia: she’s just said die.* chuckles* wow
cat:well she is your kid *smiling*
Nejia:* smiles back* right
cat:*kisses you* I love you
Nejia:* kisses back* I love you too
cat:*smiles* I love you too aria *kisses her head*. aria:yucky.
Nejia:* laughs* lol
Nejia no offense
cat: none taken aria:*does a little kitten roar*
Nejia: she’s so adorable. k
cat:*chuckles* yes she is.
Nejia: I love you
Nejia: I love you too Aria
aria:*smiling* cat:I love you to baby
Nejia:* kisses cats cheek*
Nejia:* smiles back*( I’m going to punch a kid)
Nejia: well first we should go home( he made fun of me for half of the school this year and last . I decided to challenge him to a fight)
cat:yea. aria:*claps* (he's a dïck)
Nejia:* smiles*( he is)
aria:papa di deded. cat:??? (good luck)
Nejia:* gets awkward * what?( thanks)
aria:papa is di deded *getting annoyed*. cat:huh. (sure thing)
Nejia:* acting suspicious *( actually I’m just going to go up to him and sock him in the mouth)
aria: *sighs and lays down*
Nejia:* sighs relief *
Nejia:* gets flustered * shît
aria:*giggles* sh-shït! cat:*blinks*
Nejia: don’t say that Aria
aria:*confused*. cat: it's a bäd word. aria:o
Nejia: yeah and don’t say I’m dead
aria:true. cat:oh that's what she was saying
Nejia: yeah
aria:me too? cat:well I mean aren't you kinda?
Nejia: true
Nejia: not yet
Nejia: well not technically
aria:huh? cat:what
Nejia: it’s hard to explain
aria:ok. cat:we don't really have any plans for today
Nejia: So if someone tries to kill her she won’t die
aria:demigod! cat:that's a lot less for me to worry about
Nejia: yeah
aria: hehe. cat:can we get somethings to eat I'm starving
Nejia: sure. what do you want to eat?
Nejia: funny. what type
aria:* stomach rumbles*. cat:lasagna
Nejia:got it* teleports us home then starts making lasagna
aria:hmm. cat:yum *takes aria out of the stroller*
Nejia:* almost done and it smells amazing *
aria:*playing with a wall*. cat:oh my god babe it smells great
Nejia: thanks* finishes and sets it on the table with some plates. * it is regular lasagna but with parsley and spinach in it. you can’t taste the spinach
aria:yuck! cat: *puts some on her plate*
Nejia: Aria
aria:yes daddy
Nejia: you can pick them out
aria:yay! cat:*eats* I dunno aria it's really good with them in
that’s hot😍😍dam