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Please Don't Do That Okay Both Of Them Are Great😔 Katy Has More Money Even Taylor Katy Is A Huge Hit Even Taylor Both Of Them Are The Worlds Best Popstars💕
I get that, but that gives Taylor no right to write a song about how much she hates katy. before u comment on my pics of katy with taylor in the comment, comment to collages against katy. I am team katy. u r team taylor. So what?
am team nothing I love them am saying don't be mean too both of them okay
that wasn't mean! it was merely stating Katy's great achievement. Taylor was on the receiving end of it because of the horrible things she said in Bad Blood. What she did was wrong, she needs to know that. whether it is from nicki, katy or a katycat on piccollage she doesn't even know exists, she HAS to know she HAS to feel guilty. Idc if you don't agree, an I am not responding to any further responses
wow that collage is really good and the news is awesome- love Katy Perry saw her in concert 🎶