I'm sorry for how bad this was written!! It was just really hard to write and I found it so difficult to express myself. But here's a glimpse of a very personal time of my life, so please no hate! Not that I've gotten any, YOU GUYS ARE THE SWEETEST💗


I'm sorry for how bad this was written!! It was just really hard to write and I found it so difficult to express myself. But here's a glimpse of a very personal time of my life, so please no hate! Not that I've gotten any, YOU GUYS ARE THE SWEETEST💗

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I've partially gone through the same thing
aww I'm glad that u are better now and I'm sry that happened to u! I love this and this is VERY well written and sooooo helpful to people!!!! thx and keep being u girl!!!!
keep being who you are! ❤️
wow that must have been so hard! you are so amazing to write this and get through your depression. 😘😘
This sounds kind of like me 😁 but idk if I have depression or if I'm just a typical teenager? I'm not being offensive or anything but how do you just snap out of depression because usually people battle with it for ages? 😘
tysm for replying I really appreciate it!
this is so inspirational! stay strong, you are amazing...💕 my heart goes out to you!