Steven and my chat page only

Crislynn Gregory

Steven and my chat page only

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hi tŵat
omg 😠
I'm sorry babe I'll go
no please don't th jack a..... can leave
nah I can't u can't make me
then I will kill my self hav that on your mind for the rest of your life
do I care
no pls stop pls
make me
like you care I don't give a flying......😔⚰️⚔️🗡🔪
neither do I go do it
I will😉
and happy 2
STOP leave us alone and we will leave you alone stop following her Steven ok she can't bother us than
I can tho
I did a long time ago it don't work
Billie stop my life is messed up enough I live in a home were no one fairs I'm picked on at school for being emo
go kill urself
I hope you kno hannah thinks your the most annoying person in the world
do I care no coz u started all this