so in love with her


so in love with her

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heheh nobody touch
your so pretty oh my lord
yess please come over my sick baby
Okayy I’m waitinggg
+smiles excitedly and opens the door* hiii *hugs you*
hi sick boy *smiles goes on my tippy toes and kisses your cheek
*nods and takes your hand and takes you upstairs
*smiles and goes up to my room
*crawls in bed and opens my arms for you*
*covers us up and holds you clsoe to me
*slides my hands up the back of your shirt and rubs your back*
*clings to you and then gently feels your head and frowns* your burning up my love
do you wanna go to the doctors? *frowns and brushes your hair back with my fingers*
*pouts a little and hugs you tighter and rubs your back* I’m sowwy honey I wish I could take it away
*pouts and pulls the blanket off of us and rubs your back with my nails humming a little*
want some medicine *frowns as rubs your back some more* I’m so sorry your sick
okay *nods softly and comtinues* just let me know if you need anything just try and rest
hmph I don’t care *pouts and tries to pull you back onto me* I wanna make you feel better
I promsie *holds you close to me and kisses your forehead * even if you were contagious I wouldn’t care honey
*smiles and kisses your head* thank you honey *smiles to myself and watvhes you
*cuddles close to you and closes my eyes
*yawns a little and nuzzles my face into the side of yours getting comfortable
*cuddles and rubs your back
that’s good handsome
me too
miss you too
mmh my tummy hurts
mmh… please
Okay can you bring something to eat maybe I’m hungry
o don’t care anything *gets up out of bed and goes into the bathroom and starts the bath
okay *gets in the bath
*lays in the bath and rubs my belly pouting
*hears you and sigs up* I’m in the bath one second I’ll get out
*pouts a little not wanting you to see me nakey, gets up and dries off wrapping the towel around me
*gets all red and pouts and comes out and walks to my closet trying to avoid eye contact as I’m just being self conscious right now*
*pouts* no my tummy is extra big I don’t like it
cuz it isss *pouts and leans against you
*pouts and rhinks* really?
otay *nods and turns around* I’m sorry *pouts and buries my body into yours
*nods and looks up at you and pecks your lips* also I love you too *giggles and goes and gets changed in my closet *
*giggles and gets changed in a comfy nightgown and comes out *
*comes to the bed* what did you get
okay *sits cross cross apple sauce and grabs a chicken sandwich out* I’ll eat this
*opens it and takes a bite
*chews ans eats some more
*nods and smiles as I chew
yess *giggles* you can pick the movie
oooo yayyy *smiles and takes another
*eats all of it and watches the movie
*starts to play with your hair
*giggles a little and blushes softly
hi hi
I’m okay and I’ll do it right now! how are you baby
hehe stop lying
ooo fun do you have the day off today
heheh stop ittt 🤭
hmph I don’t :((( I have to go in and do paper work
in a couple of hours technically i didn’t have to go in but I didn’t go Friday
yeah :(
heheh I agreee
well now I’m curious 😂
sorry todays been crazy but I’m free
hi hi
I’m good hru baby
ooo nice I’ve missed you
hehe rreallyyy?!
nobody has ever liked me
I mean miss hahah stupid movie
aww really? :(
I’m sure she’s having the best summer
maybe we can take her to the beach haha i wanna go back
I think it would be fun
And relaxing which you need
or do you wanna just stay in *pushes some of your hair out of your face
okay honey that works for me *smiles
yes possible I got you a present
I didddd
just because:)
yes *smiles ans runs to the kitchen grabbing some cookies I made and comes to see you
*smiles and shows you* taaadaaaa
mmmh *smiles ans rocks on my feet
Laina is in the hospital she passed out earlier apparently she hasn’t ate since Thursday.. I don’t know why but she could really use you rn
*lays in bed asleep*
*sleeps curled up
*sleeps then a few minutes later wakes up
*opens my eyes and holds your hand and yawns*
*looks up at you and smiles* hi *says in a sleepy voice* (I never saw that you responded I sowwy)