H E L P  M E ( T A P )
AHHHHH Im having a piano exam in less than two months and I had a last minute change of song.....And also my piano teacher is going on holiday so I have a substitute teacher.😕please help me AH


H E L P M E ( T A P ) AHHHHH Im having a piano exam in less than two months and I had a last minute change of song.....And also my piano teacher is going on holiday so I have a substitute teacher.😕please help me AH

87 0
AHHH NO, that must suck :( i have an exam in september too. i suggest just practising as much as u can~ sorry if that didn't help ;(
Love thisss
wowowowo this is amazing
me too! except for the fact that I absolutely suck at piano and I hate it too...I’ll probably fail or something, my exam has s in August
soooo cute! ❤️