I'm bored 😐


I'm bored 😐

15 0
Lena I'm with...
with who tell me
the boy you like in our class 4th period
what did you tell her
what did you tell mercy
are u talking about Jonny and he is my friend
Cheyenne look at the thing that says rate me not likes just comments
hey Lena how come u didn't come to practice today ? Angelica bought us candy and she brought the Maleficent hat for u.
mom said couldn't
do u think u can bring me to me and eds coach said we need. to get a ride can u ask ur mom mine can't take me
im a horrible friend 😭😭
yeah I'm a really horrible friend
idk 😐 but I fill mad sad and everything else
I'm sorry you can kill me idc I'm a bad friend and ik you hate me but it's ok I deserve it anyways😞
I don't hate u it just made me sad and mad that ur with him and I had really liked him and I had told u
ik but I couldn't take it the way he was texting me and the looks he gave me realize how much I liked him and how much I was wrong to leave him but I'm sorry I promise I won't last long with him and I won't do anything just hug him
that is not the point but ok it doesn't really help the fillings are still there and I don't think that they would go away
what is wrong
nothing it's just I feel so bad
well I guess there is not point in liking him anymore because he likes u and u guys are together
it's ok for you to like him I don't mind and I just got my shot rn it hurts so bad
can h do me a favor and tell him I really like him and I happy for u to😐😞
yeah I'll tell him and thx
ur welcome but do u think there is still a point that I still like and be onset
look at what I just posted
it is ok if u are mad
I'm not mad I'm sad bc this is all my fault
omg no
ok fine
r u ok