Help me get my girl back. She needs me and misses me. I just know it. Get her back and she will follow you and i will give you a shout out and all that.


Help me get my girl back. She needs me and misses me. I just know it. Get her back and she will follow you and i will give you a shout out and all that.

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no way not in a million lives!!!🙄😠
dude, let it go
find a new gf
why did you say no?
stop liking my stuff!
I don't like you!
I will help you IF you say sorry for mistaking me as a boy.
thank you! sorry for being mean to you.
hey ur okay.
u have a big but shes way over u and has friends so find a new gf and let it go
I'm trying to help you but there is nothing I could to.