Collage by fxxckyou-


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^fxxck u axxhple
you can’t Bc ur gay 👍🏼
never said I didn’t want to talk to u
ur the one who said “leave me alone” which I ain’t gonna bc I care abt ur stupid axx
and I wanna leave yes but I also want my friend bad.
i can’t prove to you Bc ur gay
i can’t do that with the way I feel abt u Zane.
i don’t understand how u liked me and now suddenly it’s like u don’t.. bc that means you never actually had feelings for me zane. and that hurts to know.
Ik he hurt u but if ur gay that means u never truly loved me Zane.
just bc one girl hurt u..?
that’s why ur gay,
yk what she said wasn’t true zane,
I’m not like her tho,
and I am too.