
There are these 5th graders who come to the quite took as the second part and the ones I'm next to are the sassiest little girls.

I reminded them that we couldn't sit...so one of them gave me the saltiest look and I couldn't stop apologizing.


πŸ‘‘TAPπŸ‘‘ There are these 5th graders who come to the quite took as the second part and the ones I'm next to are the sassiest little girls. I reminded them that we couldn't sit...so one of them gave me the saltiest look and I couldn't stop apologizing.

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I know exactly how you feel.
Yup! I'm in a middle school choir and the sevies (seventh graders) are so annoying sometimes
I feel like it doesn't matter who the kids are, seventh graders are always terrible XD (Including my year, not gonna lie) but of course there's gonna be cool seventh graders^
Why is that?
I don't know. At least at my school the seventh graders are always terrible. But (assuming you're a seventh grader) you're really chill. So, as I've stated, not all seventh graders are bad^
Sevies are terrible. only a few are cool and the rest are so freaking annoying
eighty graders aren't too much better TBH. The eighth graders last year were jerks
but the only reason I'd ever say that the eighth graders last year were worse than us would be because one tried to set the school on fire
Eighth graders are jerks tho
I'm scared of 8th graders tbh. I just stick with the 7th graders but there's always something happening
I'm just here like: the lonely 6th grader XD
I have a lot of 6th grade friends too. But I hardly see them anymore