Follow -Real-Life-Lovers- for me?


Follow -Real-Life-Lovers- for me?

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I did!
thanks Hunter ❤️ you're the best ❤️❤️❤️ -Kylie
what's up
just chilling with my little brother, hbu?
laying in bed. doing nothing. thinking about someone
thinking about who?
a guy
what's this guys name?
hmmmm, I'm not good at this game 😂
just try
uhhhhhhh Justin?
haha nope. but that's a nice name
see I'm terrible at this game 😂
no you're not lol. I do like someone but he probably doesn't like me back bc he likes someone else
oh, I'm sorry to hear that
yea. my life sucks🖕
nah I'm sure it's better than mine
at least ur cute
Awww thx
im ugly
and you have a chance at a relationship with someone
I'm sure you're not ugly, everyone in this whole entire world is beautiful, except for Donald trump maybe 😂
I look like Donald Trump
I'm sure you look 40048292918382 times better than Donald trump
look at my pictures on my profile I look like Donald Trump
I did and you lip nothing like Donald trump!
I'm still undateable
I'm sure the right guy will come along
haha that's funny
I'm weird sorry
I think I'm the weird one here 😂
nah we are both weird and look at my remix for your rate
ur welcome bestie