i have a lil idea! (tap!)
in the comments, tell me a stereotype that someone's placed on you and then tell me how you don't fit that stereotype! 
here's mine: people classify me as a "nerd" but really i don't study for fun nor do i like learning, i just p


i have a lil idea! (tap!) in the comments, tell me a stereotype that someone's placed on you and then tell me how you don't fit that stereotype! here's mine: people classify me as a "nerd" but really i don't study for fun nor do i like learning, i just p

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💗CAPTION💗 i have a lil idea! tell me a stereotype that someone's placed on you and then tell me how you don't fit that stereotype! here's mine: people classify me as a "nerd" but really i don't study for fun nor do i like learning, i just put in time to keep my grades up
LILYYYYYYYY🤩 this is a beautiful pic girlie💞
also it’s prob the same for me i’m just smart lol and i care abt school bc my parents raised me to know that my work is a reflection of me but w that being said i sometimes feel pressured to be the “nerd” or the smartest when in reality i’m not i just try for school and care
omg thanks!! and i love that sm
thank you! ❤️
o m g thanku! u look rlly pretty!😮🤩😉
hi sorry but well I have been dealing with a lot of stuff for the past week and still is. can I pls have an extension to meter pls? ~lyly (my comments on my two latest post don’t work so tell me on my extra @-heartbroken or comment on my other posts thank you)
for your contest ^
we back tho
good hby- Leo
yea- Leo
I just didn't feel for her anymore- Leo
I remixed it again sorry 💕
ooh the lighting in this so so pretty!!🤩🤩
wait sooo what sate you live in girl? I mean I know you went on a Florida trip and I though you lived there😂😂🦿
omg thanks so much lily!!
omg i love the pic!!
aesthetic, i love it 🤩🤩
they think that when i say i’m a christian, i mean i’m like fully lien, shout to god in the middle of class christian 🤦🏻‍♀️
full on*