"I want to stay with you forever..." -Asuna


"I want to stay with you forever..." -Asuna

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who are you
I am a person
lol 😜
wot is your name
lol Jessica
really sweetie....do u like her 😔
nah it's ok I know you two have a thing
u do 😱
how? 🤔
um I read the other comments you guys sent to each other in other photos
don't worry don't stalk or anything like that
lol no ur fine it just I really love him and I care for him a lot 😌😍
so u like him I read txt
aw sweet!!
on other photo 😤
wait what?
what photo?
the one were he says who want to date 😖
oh yeah
it's ok though I'm taken too
are u sure 😒
I'm going out with a sophomore at my school
and I live far away
ok good 😄
lol it's fine
are we cool now plz don't block me 😔
oh course not, not mad your cool asf😄
your so sweat bae
lol I know I am 😉