4 people per faction,and this will work as kind of like the Hunger Games,but there will be a lot of collabs in this one,instead of everyone each doing a separate collage,but there will be separate collages every once in a while


4 people per faction,and this will work as kind of like the Hunger Games,but there will be a lot of collabs in this one,instead of everyone each doing a separate collage,but there will be separate collages every once in a while

20 0
I like it too but I also want to have hg in it
how do you like pinksoccerhogwartskatniss16?
or is it too long
I entered the divergent games right??
I'm 5-4
lol!!!😂 you're as tall as @bgf_13 she's my rl bestie! and a random fact: I am obsessed with hair bows!! i have way too many and I'm wearing and emoji one now that I got from Christmas!!
well you asked for random!😂😂