I want to share some thing but I'm scared to because I've never told anyone and I feel like when I say it some of you might hate me!


I want to share some thing but I'm scared to because I've never told anyone and I feel like when I say it some of you might hate me!

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I would never hate you ❤️
and if u don't want to tell us, that is totally up to you!😊
ok thank you
well I'm......never mind I'm scared to
that's alright.You can tell us when ur ready.Or you never have to if u never feel ready.
well I'm bi...do you know what I mean????
ya.Its totally fine 😊 it doesn't define who you are
well I'm bi............
yeah do you hate me
cuz the spiders gunna eat me alive!!!!! that's what she told me...but u think she's just messing with me...I think...
oh ok
sorry I never told you before
sorry I just thought you would stop talking to me
it's fine.Its nothing to be ashamed of.I mean, if I was a giraffe, that wouldn't make me stop being me.You are you, and you are awesome.
thank you
I know loads of people who are bi u have nothing to worry about I don't hate u xxx
ok I just was scared
I want someone to love
well I don't know I had a friend over so she asked and I told her I was so then she kissed and I freaked out and slapped her
are you mad
no like after that we started dating......this is getting personal
you seem mad are you
umm my mom will read them and get mad