sip sip.


sip sip.

191 0
I wish I could be like that but I'm addicted to my device ☹️
At least your childhood was/probably still is better than mine.
same and I'm only 11
awww, same, I miss my childhood :(
^ that is so sad but so true
so true.:( I miss the good ole ways
I still have a wild imagination and I take photos and selfies so I can make memories
I just came across you're account and I'm loving it all! keep posting amazing things!❀️
for reals
so tru
So true, I had a wild imagination and always hurt myself playing outside πŸ˜‚β˜ΊοΈπŸ’•
mine was filled with Drama, people thinking I'm Satan, and kids crying because their "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" broke up with them