I really don't understand why people get mad over stupid things. We were taking a test in English and the teacher told us that after we were done we could be on our phones. So I got on my phone and the teacher saw me on it and he said "Emily, why are you


I really don't understand why people get mad over stupid things. We were taking a test in English and the teacher told us that after we were done we could be on our phones. So I got on my phone and the teacher saw me on it and he said "Emily, why are you

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I (continued caption) "Emily, why are you on your phone when your test is still on your desk?!" The reason why it was on my desk is because I thought he was going to collect them but he wasn't so I got yelled at for not knowing what to do because he didn't tell us. He wanted us to put them in a stack by his desk but I was completely unaware of that because he didn't say that was what he wanted. Ugh teachers are awful sometimes haha
Tell me about it. I seriously love these little tid bits into your life, probably one of the highlights of my day. Yet again, another perfect little edit. Believe it or not, I look forward to these things.