Collage by forever_infinite go check them out COZ they are coooooooooooool ps. I added a white overlayyyy


Collage by forever_infinite go check them out COZ they are coooooooooooool ps. I added a white overlayyyy

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I just want to let you know how much I appreciate this page! ✨
at school people use to make of me bc i was a feminist😑or even would be mad bc in their minds i hate men but it isn't true i think people are all equal and that everybody deserves a chance and we all blame society but we forgot that we are society so we must change ourselves before we change the world✌🏻️🌎my personal hero is frida if you don't know her look her up you'll love i promise P.S your acount is perfectly my thoughts
hey what do you make your edits with??