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why are you mean to people?
you little shít
no, but they have a ton of social media apps
do u know how unsafe it is to post pics of ur friend and urself online?! no offence but... oh well your biz I guess- just be careful
remember Awsome_Ari well I'm Arianna on a new account so back off jerk
you can't make me do anything
You are like 8, why so freaking rude to people
I'm not
no she's like 2
What the heck is wrong with you and other people? Like trying to tell me that I'm stupid or that i don't deserve my boyfriend or family or even my best friends
please stop the hate, she has beautiful best friends, and an amazing family keep your opinions to yourself please
why is everyone being mean
pretty sure she's a human like everyone else, oh no sorry everyone who is hating aren't humans thy r alien bullys
can't believe you have friends they are probably invisible or they don't exist