how to flirt by Anna

step 1: salutations (Ex. hello )

step 2: pick up line ( Ex. baby your so Gniess i would never take you for granite )

step 3: get married

step 4: success


how to flirt by Anna step 1: salutations (Ex. hello ) step 2: pick up line ( Ex. baby your so Gniess i would never take you for granite ) step 3: get married step 4: success

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Since I am bad with goodbyes. I refuse to let this be one. But I will leave you with one last thing- My Chemical Romance is done. But it can never die. It is alive in me, in the guys, and it is alive inside all of you. I always knew that, and I think you did too. Because it is not a band- it is an idea. Love, Gerard
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