Whoops y’all probably hate me😂😂 bUt I aGREE honest the first time I watched newsies I was like “yEs.” At this part cause ya know I love Spot but I mean COOLCOOOLCOOLCOOOLCOOL


Whoops y’all probably hate me😂😂 bUt I aGREE honest the first time I watched newsies I was like “yEs.” At this part cause ya know I love Spot but I mean COOLCOOOLCOOLCOOOLCOOL

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spot had more of a role in the 1992 movie, they did him so dirty in the live version!
re//: Thanks😂😂 and he is.
yee but if you got a kitten and a chick together, they’d get along, I think. And yeah, same here. I don’t ever want to do *it* qwq
thanks <33
1992 movie Spot is the only one I’ll accept 😂