100% percent inspired by @Triplet-klf! I kinda like mine. Hers is amazing! Go follow her! How was you guys day? Mine was ok.. I have so much drama with school right now.😔


100% percent inspired by @Triplet-klf! I kinda like mine. Hers is amazing! Go follow her! How was you guys day? Mine was ok.. I have so much drama with school right now.😔

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omg this is beautiful!😱😱
Hey! We're on the same team for Soft-Touch's games! (whaaaat you're my idol😱😍✨) I know our captain has already informed you, but we have to enter a puppy themed collage, and today's the last day we can! 💖
Thank you! :)
also listen I know you may be going through a hard time but we all need to stay strong.i need you to stay awesome.okay.also your collages are great stay the awesome confident, kind person you are
love this, it true