❄️Tap Here❄️
collab with @SonicTheGreat! They did the amazing bg <3 please to give them a follow!! I took a bunch of standardized tests this past month, so sorry for not replying to all your wonderful comments. :/ please rate 1-10.
QOTD: mental health che


❄️Tap Here❄️ collab with @SonicTheGreat! They did the amazing bg <3 please to give them a follow!! I took a bunch of standardized tests this past month, so sorry for not replying to all your wonderful comments. :/ please rate 1-10. QOTD: mental health che

46 1
10! the pngs, the mood, the aesthetic, everything is amazing!
10/10, amazing! ❄️ AOTD: Not great.
yoo! you guys did so well!! everything about this is gorgeous! I adore the quote and the images used!! @caption aw it’s alright man, we all understand since test/exam season is approaching. I’m not doing too great with my mental health, waiting for the Christmas holidays where I can just chill and relax. I hope you’re doing alright with your mental health!!
re//: tysm!! we’re all alright now! very achy, but that’s understandable. just a lil whiplash. and I don’t think there’s any repairing the car lol, we’ll have to have a hire one for a couple of months I think. the dude that crashed into us claimed liability (basically said it was his fault) so his insurance company will thankfully pay for everything
aa ty! I really enjoyed drawing them. at first I was like ‘I have no idea what a mushroom looks like’ then I got obsessed :’’)
This is stunning!! I love the quote you picked 💙
np and thx!
love this
ahh this is so pretty!!
i loved making this with u! let’s do it again sometime!
aotd: I’ve been pretty good so 9/10! other than the fact I had to deal with my dads grumpy best friend yesterday🙄
Aww thank you, likewise!! you’re so sweet. ❤️ How have you been doing?
Thank you!! Your support means a lot ❤
Yeah lately I've been kinda out of it, reusing old layouts and just writing poems for the sake of having something and usually pc gets you through that you know?? But lately it's been getting less and less alive here. I'm afraid pc will never be as big as it was a few years ago
But I've worked on some stuff I really like and I've written some poems I actually am proud about, so still going strong :)
This is gorgeous! I love the layout and how everything just seems to fit in this wonderful, wintery theme!!
Oh I’m really sorry to hear that. :/ I hope everything works out and things get better. 💚💚💚 That’s good then, and ofc!
hi hi, honestly tysm for bothering to check up on me while I was gone. i miss you so much and hey I LITERALLY MISSED TONS OF YOUR AMAZING WORK AND YOUR 5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY ON PC.
@ caption: hope you did well on those tests :)
were you even at 2.3K before I left, but if you weren’t, congrats :)
Yeah I also feel like pc has kind of let itself die, like people aren't really getting featured anymore, they stopped with contests, it's like they stopped caring. Also doesn't help that all the people that do join are so young. Like nothing wrong with that, but I just can't relate.
At the same time this has always been such a nice place and I will stick around as long as it still brings me joy. No better place to be myself. It's great to see some others, including you, sticking around too. Because even if it's getting real small, the lovely vibes are still here ❤
//: tysm! 💕 and yes, we do, is the last stretch now, we’ve got this! and ty, again! yeah I tested positive this morning, I’m still debating whether it’s a good or bad thing- but hey I can spend time at home drawing and being with family I guess :’’)
my presence has made your day, wow- you gotta be kidding. but hey it’s great and amazing to be able to talk to you again :)
that’s great!! good luck with your finals, you’ll pass with flying colours I bet
pc is the same with the followers sh•t before and after I went for a break 😩 stupid follower count, but u told me not to think so much about it so do the same :)
honestly idk how im feeling rn, lots and lots of mixed feelings haha. hruuuuu??
Yeah exactly!! Also so many people left good ideas in their comments/remixes, like they literally know what their community wants, why not do something with that? It would be so sad to see this community go, but if they're not going to put any work in...
hey hey hey! i finally posted our collab!
it’s absolutely fine!
new post
tysm!! 💕
aghh same :/ I feel like this is the worst part of the school year lol