Hey guys


Hey guys

24 17
yep hbu
what and ily
to we're
oh cool
Not to get invalven in your life but my friend anahi told me that you like her is that true
yeah and hey sorry
yeah what is it
yeah why do y'all always ask me that
ugggg ok
yeah I know 😂😂😂
yeah wait one second I have to post the pic
Babe babe babe babe babe babe babe babe babe babe babe babe babe babe babe babe babe babe babe that is all you fĂșckin say
why are you being so mean to my gf oh my god if she wants to call me babe she can
Becaus my fĂșckin friend anahi gotminto a fĂșckin thing with the fĂșcking police and the found out that this xcody135 person is a raper a kidnaper and a pervert and itue arested this cody dude so ya and btw i am 12
And i am pĂŹssed now
Dude shut the fĂșck up idc abiut YOU
Do i care ur boyfrind is ugly and so are you so you are perfect for each other
And i have a fĂșckin boyfrind to
All is the little hĂłe getting mad
Your a little slĂșt
And a hóe and a bítch and a jackaƛƛ
Awwww so cute you think you can hurt my fellings
Dude i am 12 and u r getting affensice and boi u really think i care that messed up a word
Oh heah a am a 5time state champion wrestler i can beat people 5x as tall as i am
what the fxck Cody never did any of those things
*oh ya i am*
Well someone hacked his acount
Its ok sorry i was being mean to
Friends?oh my name is gabby btw
hi jack
hey jack