my name is cc,
I'm 15
Straight asf 
I'm a cheerleader 
And part of this gang ig


Hi, my name is cc, I'm 15 Single Straight asf I'm a cheerleader And part of this gang ig

18 0
this is cc not Vannah?
u don't know what your fúcking talking about! if he loved me then he would have said he was sorry for every thing
that's a lie coz he was telling me that he wants to be with me
I'm bisexual
if he gets back on and talk to me then maybe, but I'm don't getting hurt, he lied to me about his age, he didn't really talk to me
no it means I like boys and girls VANNAH U FÜÇKING CHEAT ON JAMES
Jack blow it with me, the last chance was after Christmas
I'm not getting hurt again
vannah ur with James
Ik and I'm not going to leave James for the world
well leave Jack and don't start arguments with him
he called me séxy he said he wants to marry me
he is a fúck boí
what does that mean
he is a fúck boy
oh okay
I'm not going to start anything now
now look who is starting this fight again
don't u have a gf Jack?
he likes u
idk y I'm ugly
she's taken
I'm sorry but I'm done with all of this
I'm done with everything
do u still like me jack? yes/no/maybe?
I want to kill my self ok, u don't know what it's like going to school every single day and ppl starts to call u a slût
I'm getting bullied everyday, and no one is there to help me 😒😔
bc Jack u kinda were being a díck to me
are literally mad at me now?
I don't think that going to happen
idc I'm going to cut now so
I'm done I'm sorry but I have to go cut now
just stop Jack
leave him alone
I'm not doing anything 😭
that's bc I thought u didn't love me anymore
bc u were being a total jerk to me, do u know I have to go see a therapist every day
that was your fault for asking me out ok not mine
Vannah leave him alone
I'm not doing anything ok, I really am not doing anything
ur making him upset
he is making me upset ok, I'm trying so hard not to cry but it all his fault my life is dead
I can't even breath very well
I'm done with ur drama
I'm not doing anything Billie but ok fine if u want then don't even talk to me anymore if that's what u want
I never said that
idk jack
no one believes me
Jack this is not my fúcking fault, and I have family problems, and anger problems
jack go to ur page
and Jack u don't know nothing about me so why u talking
idk u tell me?
imma go bye
o, but before u asked me out u told me u liked me as a friend, haha that's funny
thanks vannah I broke up with him coz of u
I like u but she made me
u didn't have to Billie, and Jack when can u get this throw your head, I loved u
jack I love u but u have feelings for vannah
jack she made me
no I didn't, I did nothing
I'm not happy jack, I'm more upset then ever