Feeling dizzy 😩 HELP!! 😰 Any doctors that might know what to do?


Feeling dizzy 😩 HELP!! 😰 Any doctors that might know what to do?

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if I were you I would drink lots of water. I seem to get headaches a lot and it's usually because I don't drink enough water. drink at least 2 full glasses of water and wait an hour. if that doesn't work take ibuprofen and/or acetaminophen.
Hope you feel better!!!💕❤️😘
drink water
This is amazing!
thanks! that means a lot 😉
thank you so much 🐻💘
love_each_day: i agree, the same happens to me
Lay down, rest, and drink some water.. 😊
thanks ❤️👍
Well, I am studying to be a doc, Just stay off your device for the rest of the day. Don't take any medicine. If you feel light headed or dizzy, you might feel like you're going to faint. Feeling faint is quite common. Take some water and have a rest.