Fun facts about meπŸ’•


Fun facts about meπŸ’•

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yasssssssss Pokemon lover!
and I'm ten
look at my new post!
wow thanks , i dont really know a lot about pokemon but i really want to know thxπŸ’•
play and u will know! just research first
and because u play Pokemon X and y do u wanna trade friend codes? so I can battle u? and trade and stuff?
yes... how do you do that?(sorry i am really new at this)
and watch people on YouTube play Pokemon, but start small like Pokemon Diamond and emerald
i play yπŸ™‚
oh thanks that IS useful because i suck at this πŸ™
im going to bed can qe talk tomorow?😌
yea oh and I will show u how to find ur friend code tomorrow! πŸ˜„
cancun sounds beautiful!! I really want to go there!!
yep it is pretty !!!but i live in the city