Collage by Art_Stealer


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Someone is jealous.
sad child
I love never land
Can you please stop stealing art? I don't want to get angry at you but why do you do it art_stealer?
I can't believe it! 😭 I'm not even gonna fight u cause obviously u don't listen.. I'm done looking at this page!
could've sworn I saw this collage before...
let me guess u stole this
I'm gna send that over and over again. Until u treat others right.
@Ask_FoxyandMangle, she does. I'm not going to give it to you, though. The fact that this account exists combined with the fact that a hate account for it exists makes me disappointed at society.
Well, that and the numerous haters in general. It's hater season right now. As we speak both old and new haters are coming together to form one big mound of collective hate that proves society is a disappoint and their parents should be ashamed at their parenting and lack of supervision. I feel like applying this to a lot of the anti-haters, too.
lol she's not even active anymore
ya. lol