It's Artman week!


It's Artman week!

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Aww thank ya bab!! it was actually my first time drawing him heheh
It looks fantastic!! You did such a great job!!
Thank you!! heh.. but I embarrassed myself in front of the whole stream and I feel bad.
Aww sweetie...what happened?
Hah I called Deo senpai and one of (I think the dream team) the people said not to call deo senpai because they saw my blog and was talking about how I chose an old picture of them. then I said I'd just call them a nerd instead after I called them senpai. then they said "your not aware of your surroundings are you" I think they took what I said to be rude or something and I just felt really embarrassed. I didn't mean for it to be rude or anything.
I'm sorry sweetie...*hugs you tightly* I hate it when people do that. I especially hate it when fans of artist start attacking people and what not. Don't be em brasses sweetie; those jerks were too darn stuffed up their own bütthølĖs to take a simple joke or play around. I'm probably sounding like a jerk right now but still, they shouldn't have treated you that way. You were just trying to have fun! Deo has a lot of stigma to them and I guess other people get super defensive when something like that happens. I kinda drifted away from them a bit after that incident where I was accused of stealing their art. They're also probably a bit older than you too. People like that are often seen as stuck up, snobs, ect. All I'm trying to say is don't let people like that get you down. And treat others the way you want to be treated and remember to just be you. Not everyone is gonna like you but that's okay. There are MILLIONS of others out there that will. And being accepted for who you are is better than being accepted for something your not.
there are probably a lot of type-os in what I just typed I'm sorry...
I know sweetie but I just felt really embarrassed because I thought deo didn't like it and yeah.
I thought maybe they would get mad at me or something because deo was getting really mad when I was joining the stream because somebody was talking about them or Cas behind their back. Deo was really frustrated with that person and I guess I got scared for a minute. because I look up to deo and I just want to please them and be friends.
@TheOddOnes It's ArtMan from Deo. You can look them up on the Internet
@bab Maybe you should try to distance yourself from them a bit. To be honest I am a little disappointed in those people who treated you that way.
and on a side note most of the dream team is around the same age as I am. some of them are 13 too and 14 and 15. deo is the oldest one I know of because they are 17
@bab it's okay bab. besides that's the reason I don't really talk during Deo's streams that much because I'm afraid I'll embarrass myself
Ohhh I see, but don't be afraid sweetie. Don't give them that power. Just distance yourself from them a bit until you feel ready enough to go back to them okay? Right now I'm just mad at those people...anyone who treats you that way has a HUGE bone to pick with me.
@bab it's okay sweetie. I will. and I appreciate you making me feel better :) thank you very much
@theoddones his name is Artman. you can easily find him by searching: Artman tumblr
I'll do anything to make you happy again sweetie, anyone who messes with my bab is ded. I'll kill em. ILL KILL EM ALL. iwontactuallykillthembutyeah
hehe okie dokie mah big bad Rosie
I got your back 100% Always and forever!
me too!!
I'm working on the new cover for my new game. MYEH
OOOO!! My wings are flapping excitedly and I'm very excited to see!!
mhm!! yay!!