read more about Draco in remixes and make your decision whether he is good or bad!


CLICK HERE read more about Draco in remixes and make your decision whether he is good or bad!

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I think he is bad, you know, but he has good in him. He could totally be good if he wanted to, he just decided not to.
I think he is more on the bad side but I haven't decided yet. He only fixed the cabinets to get the death eaters in the castle, he is a bully 2 evry1...
I feel for Draco. He was brought up by awful parents, which caused him to behave like a bully. He is also jealous of Harry's fame. he joins the death eaters to protect his life and his family. Also Tom Felton is cute 😂😉 so I'm saying he's good.
he's an idiot who has a chance of redeeming himself.
????????????????It's so confusing!!!!
have you ever seen AVPM?
I think he acts bad but deep inside has a heart
I mean seriously. Agreeing to kill someone
gets u straight to the bad side even if I don't
do it
I think that he is good, he was jealous of Harry, and brought up by awful parents. he joined the death eaters to save his family. so I feel sorry for him.