I c r a v e  t h e  s w e e t  re l e a s e  o f  d e a t h


I c r a v e t h e s w e e t re l e a s e o f d e a t h

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death is not a sweet release, sometimes she is but only when she wants
she’s a dark and looming figure who takes the souls of the deceased and decides what to do with them
you will fear her, the moment you see her black eyes stare . First at the corpse and then the soul.
she’ll be annoyed, angry and sad
annoyed because that’s one more death to take care of
she already has enough work as it is
angry because no one tried to stop it, or so it seems
she cares about the life on earth, no matter how fleeting
no one should die this quickly
and sad because another life has been lost
do not visit her too soon