See you never


See you never

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Yes I am
Why not?
your not leaving
bc we are not letting u
😣 it won't
I'll miss you guys
Yes leaving...
No sad faces
No, I leave, you no sad. Deal?
No deal
*hugs* idk if I should stay, but I want to
wait why? like what?
I'll think about changing my mind
Evan please I'm sorry 😭😭😭😭
It's not you, lily
^^Right now Matty?
Evan please just don't leave why are you leaving anyway?
Fiiiiine. Ig I'll stay...for now
YAY!!!!!! thx Evan the savage
*kisses back* Yes I know, I'm a savage
the savageness tho
Naw, fam I ain't no dork
Don't leave. I read it...just don't leave
so do I, but I'm not
I never said that. I said I'm not leaving. I love you as a friend
We are friends
I do care
yes I do
I've been toasted
so am I
I get bullied everyday
Exactly, we are both going theough hard times
can I talk to Liam
PWEASE petty pretty pretty PWEASE
whyyyyyy hes my bae
your a meanie. I want to talk to him. you will let me.
no, i will not
yes you will
*grabs knife* you want the demon
You will *eyes glow red*
*steps back* LIAM
mwhahahaha *eyes glows redder and picks up knife*
*liam rushes in* lily?
oh look who it's LIAM....... *smirks and flips knife in hand*
*gulps* Lily, let him go
never *eyes glow blood red and slices EVANS neck*
*runs to evan* N-N-Nooo!
*sneers and steps back* Hah hah
Not cool
of course it is........ *hair turned lighter and eyes black and red*
what tf is wrong with you
nothing wrong with me! just my usual self *unsheathes sword and stares at her reflection* just......different
*puts sword away* anywho I killed Evan! his magic was getting way to strong............
*knocks out Lily and heals Evan*
*unconscious and the red seeps out of her and her hair returns to normal shade*
*heals lily* there
*wakes up* what happened?
lots of things
oh ok *lies back down* Liam......did I hurt anybody......
oh ok............. just to much negative energy...I just can't......
I get it. Gtg eat lunch...brb
oh ok........bye ig........
I'm back
hi Liam
oooooooh Evan
Yep. Liam is no longer allowed on my account
whyyyyyyyyyy then I won't be able to talk with him 😩😩😩😩😭😭😭😭😨😨🤐🤐🤒🤒😢😢😱😱
He shouldn't have tried to sabotage my relationship
then why would he do that? and how did he do that huh?
He took my iPad without permission
I thought you shared an iPad 🙄🙄😑😑
We do, but I was in the bathroom and he took it while I was using it
so? ugh your to ignorant. 🙄🙄 then why would he do that to you then
He was a little mad ig
oh ok......😔😔 just please let me talk to him......
Ok...but if he starts sabotoging again OFF WITH HIS HEAD
thanks SAVAGE Evan
no it's CoffeeCake
Too late for that 😂😂
haha hi Liam
why did you sabotage Evans relationship
Because...I want him and Liv to be together
LIV is bîtch so no. I can't have Evan and Liv together
He loves her and I can tell. He doesn't talk about her much, just the look in his eyes say it all
still. I don't want them together. LIV is a meanie
how so?
really. you really want to go there. she called me ugly, she called you a three year old, she completely tatted me out, she says that I have no friends, etc. etc. etc.
oh yeeeaaah...
I can be a 3 year old...that part was true
I'm back
I'm back