Stolen from @haleyhoranhemmings
Blank one in remixes 
I'm tired and bored someone occupy me please


•Noot• Stolen from @haleyhoranhemmings Blank one in remixes I'm tired and bored someone occupy me please

22 1
Omg wow!! #This is amazing #TWINSIES 😋🤑🤗💦✨
I used to chase my sister around the house with snails
I like snails
Same but my sister hates them. Poor Physical Feet
Rip Physical Feet
Josh's Awful Hair is still alive though
Josh ŵtf is ur hair was thirsty so I just wátered him
You can't say watered smh
And now I can
"and now I can"
It wouldn't let me send it the last time when it wasn't censored idk
Everything was thirsty so I watered it. Even Josh's Awful Hair
but I'm finding that really funny for some reason like oh ffs I can't do this thing I'm going to complain about it oh wait complaining about it proved that I can do the thing oops
Also leesus is MASSIVE now
Same. I need to stop neglecting my plants
PC does that all the time smh
So is King JAWN. And my Leesus is p big too
Same, they get wâtered like once a week
really PC
Like when it doesn't let you say Waterparks then you complain and it lets you say Waterparks?
My Leesus is the equivalent of your King JAWN
Yes exactly and it's s o s t u p i d
King JAWN is better though just saying
How and in what way is King JAWN better like at least the real Leesus knows of my existence
Bc Jawn. Just Jawn
but Lee. friend. maybe. idk if you're friends. Leesus.
Lee? Who Lee friend? Like Falloutpilots Lee?
Yes Falloutpilots Lee
I think I unfollowed them
Idek I just unfollowed a load of people
Well okay then
yes you unfollowed them