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im here
wanna air out?
im so sorry i just randomly get to depressed and need people who really listen
its cool. im told im good at empathizing and listening
go for it. im wide eared
ahh its just school stress is getting really bad and I cant get anything done at all. bullies are getting to me and wont shut up long enough for me to pull myself together. my family seems to barely care abt me, as i often am left with all the chores and bossed around the most. my own friends treat me like a 2nd grader who cant read or write. im emotionally and verbally abused. voices are telling me im not loved, and that i should just die and no one would care at all
im an insomniac but no one believes me. i rarely eat, ever. i think of dying too much and self harm during class. i have become a skilled actress when it comes to hiding how i really feel. everyone thinks i am just looking for attention. no one cares when i say im depressed and need to be alone
listen, you are loved. bullies are the type of people that try to make you feel what they felt. or they’re just straight up jerk wads 😒. i can feel that you need more people to understand and I will be one of those people. Now, parents will boss you around
trust me
everytime i verbally hurt someone i cut.
no they boss me around more than everyone else does. if i mess up even slightly, BAM! i get screamed at like i just lit the dànm house on fire
they boss you around to prepare you for the real world and love you and try to protect you. as you go up in age, they start to know, they cant protect you forever. they start to get more strict and protective. some try to put themselves at a distance so that it wont be as hard to let thier child go
i get yelled at real easily too. i blame the asian side
cutting is just as bad as bullying. you’re getting under your skin (no pun intended) and bullying yourself
that's certainly not what it feels like... it feels like they dont love me for me. they make me do all kinds of shît that i hate and will never use for what i really want to do in life. they never listen
they’re protective it sounds like or their’s a trust disconnection
im expected to be perfect. my mum doesnt listen and my dad doesnt care at all. im supposed to take care of myself. hèll im not even 13 yet!!
would your parents tell you to do something stupid?
how long have you been undergoing depression?
a year.. but it get worse dramatically very quickly
Is there a certain thing that drives you to depression? and you have to be 100% certain on this
it gives me a certain view point on this
uh the feeling of hopelessness, that im not loved or wanted at all. the fact that i dont fit in at school and am bullied on how i talk
if you narrow down to a main reason, you can defeat depression quicker but in a careful and slow manner
oh okay
sorry if I sound a little creepy! 😅 I just don’t want you to fall into the same hole I did
its okay
u dont sound creepy to me lol
okay. the hopelessness situation I can understand from a huge view. how much time do you spend with your parents?
i lock myself in my room a lot
okay. that might be a problem. a huge population of girls reaching the ages 12-18 start going through depression. how much time do you spend on electronics?
a lot. maybe 4-6 hours a day (mainly at school)
okay. without school. just at home on weekends?
3-7 hours scattered
ok. parents are home on weekends and when you get home from school correct?
my mum is, my dad works
during this summer i will be spending more time alone tho
opposite for me. mum works and dad is home. do you spend time with your family on weekends at a fair amount?
a bit yea
okay. do you guys have game nights or movie nights? (btw, i get dragged into them lol)
okay. family movie or game nights is a good thing to try and get your parents to join you in. heck! just playing one round of Sorry! would be a good bonding moment. make sure to plan at least a week ahead though. parent schedules, ya know? there will most likely be 50% chance of them saying yes
i sound like a parent rn... -.-
yeah, i have two sporty siblings too, and neighbors who practically live at my house. its a 5% chance of happening tbh
no u dont !
i see. i have a little brother. he’s one who gets attention all the time and I mainly stay in four different places. do you ever get a chance to talk to them 1 on 1
do you tell them how you feel you’re treated. how much love you feel you receive from them anything like that?
i would dare. it would go back to them flying off the handle and cuss at me
i’ve had it too. don’t worry. I feared telling my mom how I felt and just broke down sobbing. it’s almost like when the parent sees their baby, their child crying because they’re hurt, their defense shield goes down. its weird
it is weird... but... tbh im afraid of them
I honestly consider running away
i think of a lot of things i shouldnt tbh
oh ho ho! trust me! fear is just a sense of imagination. fear is processed from imagination and what is going to happen in the future
fighting those fears is like fighting this little voice in the back of your head, nagging for you to believe it
sooo... ineffective?
sort of. its something that challenges you to see you for who you truly are
look in a mirror, stare a little long, look a little closer.
and if you don’t see a beautiful person, get a new mirror and make a new name for yourself that makes you for who you are.
sorry if im not making sense
im not beautiful though..
im trying to say, it doesn’t matter who you are outside. the inside matters more. (not organs)
what time is it where u r?
a very uneven time rn
oh okay.. i don' wanna keep ya up too late. its 10.22 pm here
btw, i’ll be gone Wednesday-Sunday but just know, opening up to your parents can make a huge change. and i mean HUGE!!!!
thank you so very much for everything❤️ i love you sm!
luv u too 😍❤️
if anything goes wrong, just let me know and I’ll b there ASAP
ya i know... my mum knows i get depressed easy cos she reads eyes like me, but she has no idea what i go thru. no one does but yall on here. and soon my therapist
anything else u wanna talk about tomorrow?
uh probably stress.. idk. but im feeling much better now😊
ok. i deal with a lot of people with stress. i can totally help with that
uhm but i gotta go, as much as i hte to leave, i have a book report due tom. that i havent started yet.
#trying to be a councilor in training 🤗
okay thank you again💙❤️
Have a lovely night love. 🤗 rest very well
good night!
you too! gn
how’s your stress been? you said you wanted to talk about it and see if there are anyways to calm down from stress?
uh actually, its gotten better, everything has. we had a ton of stuf due yesterday and i think that helped. plus, in all my current assignments, my teachers r letting me to fandom projects so 😈
nice! glade I was able to help!😊