#yumpopstyle so my birthday is on Sunday and no one has said anything 😂 I guess everyone forgot (not u guys, my fam)


#yumpopstyle so my birthday is on Sunday and no one has said anything 😂 I guess everyone forgot (not u guys, my fam)

99 4
This is great! 😍😍
np bby
aw 😡 what happens with ur family?😂
np. I feel so sorry for u . But sometimes family forgets stuff rite, 😁😁. It's ok I'm sure they'll remember
thanks for the spam 😸
thank you so much!😸
Hey! For that Thayne Jasperson collage: he plays Samuel Seabury! Good job! Jon Rua plays Charles Lee.
thank you for liking my posts 😭❤️