Hopefully this is slightly better than what I posted last. Hope you all are doing well.
Kpop is dope. I’d recommend Heize’s new song Jenga.


Hopefully this is slightly better than what I posted last. Hope you all are doing well. Kpop is dope. I’d recommend Heize’s new song Jenga.

60 0
this is amazing woah😍😍I love the colors!!😊😆👏🏻👏🏻💕
love this re:// I’m alright. 😊 life is slow, I’m focusing on savoring it. ❤️
hello I'm okay hru xx
and no I'm not leaving-I'll still be on daily I just won't chat during the day because it is distracting at school x
heh 😂 have fun
thank you for your sweet comments!!☺️*hugs*💕and same, but I hope life gets better for you💜and I’m okay😊and cool! I enjoy writing, music in general, reading, and cartoons ^_^💕
hello I'm great xx
ugh so I was thinking and I don't really like to talk on the phone especially in front of people so I was in the car and my friend rang me about 8 times and I asked her what did she want and she said she needed to talk to me
I'll remix you the convo
so she wanted to talk to me about this teacher we hate and i said I'd be home in like 5 minutes so I'd ring her back and idk why she got so mad
oOf she's the first person I see in the morning at school so I hope she's not mad
uGh iKr
I'm just listening to Bastille rn so it's okay
WOAH I love your account it's so cool!!
no problem
gOoD mOrniNg
wElP iDk wHat tiMe IT is wHerE yOu aRe bUt hEy