Collab with -Babi-✨✨


Collab with -Babi-✨✨

206 4
This is amazing☺️
Thank you so much for the spam! And I agree with you as well! Your edits and many other people's edits are absolutely stunning, gorgeous, and you work so hard on them. PC only really features the PC only edits, and most of the time they aren't always that great. Maybe I will post something on feedback and support, just to get the word out there. 👍🏼💕
^ yes!
Maybe— one day, I'll make a Phonto edit 💕☺️
yes I know I make PC only edits but I used to and might continue making phonto and other app edits one day again
and I agree with your thought and I'm personally not trying to get featured and I know many others want to so I'm fighting for them including u💕✨😘
plus they work on collages just as hard as with people who make PC only edits so I don't understand why they shouldn't be featured!!❤️
no problem and thank u! I think I want to make a petition about this and post it but I'll give creds to u for your comment! I'm still thinking about it though...
I agree to they only feature the ones that use just there app💦💙😘💘 I feel ya
I agree! honestly, I've been on for a whole year and never got a feature and I know some people who have been on for like half the time I was on and they have like 8 features.
So let's collab
Can you enter my contests plz
Pick one and put a quote
Sure we can collab! What theme?