hi I’ve been at this youth event all weekend and since I’m a high schooler I had to be an adult leader which was a really bad idea but it was super fun!!! I made two new friends and I put makeup on a bunch of the guys that I went with and I’m really happy


hi I’ve been at this youth event all weekend and since I’m a high schooler I had to be an adult leader which was a really bad idea but it was super fun!!! I made two new friends and I put makeup on a bunch of the guys that I went with and I’m really happy

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I’ve been laying in bed most of the weekend contemplating whether my existence is good or bad and after a couple of polls and late night crying fests I have decided that I am no longer worthy of an existence
Joe’s been mad as hëll at me this weekend and he’s decided that I am no longer getting a birthday celebration and I’m not going to prom anymore
also all of my money is no longer mine, whatever I make he gets automatically
I’m also not allowed to have my phone at all for the next three weekends cause I miscommunicated stuff between my babysitting client and my mom and my sister and my moms mad and Joe’s even angrier to theyre confiscating my phone so I can’t even text over spring break