Can we try to get this featured please! and pls comment what time of the day u r on PC the most


๐ŸŒ‘tap๐ŸŒ‘ Can we try to get this featured please! and pls comment what time of the day u r on PC the most

94 0
like after school so like 2-4 not all at the same time but in that time range
around 3-5 or so, also some random times during the day
Afternoon maybe 5-7
On school days 4-6pm and weekends random times๐Ÿ’ซ
different times on the weekends and like late afternoon on schooldays
Around 5-8 on school days, and basically all day on weekends.
during school maybe like 1:15-2:30ish and in the mornings about 6:00-7:00 (rn its 6:43)