
I think I starved myself til I got an eating disorder..i can't even eat without throwing up ugh but im still eating even tho I can't..but im trying..


//click// I think I starved myself til I got an eating disorder..i can't even eat without throwing up ugh but im still eating even tho I can't..but im trying..

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Ingrid, my god you never told me that! how can I help?! Ingrid you are so strong but you shouldn't have to go through that alone! Ingrid you are loved and cared for by so many! My god Ingrid I love you so much I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you!
Its alright em im fighting though it
D: please get better! I know it's not that simple. I know what your going through. just know that so many people love and care about you. talk about it with people you trust. don't be afraid.
keep trying. you go
Im trying hard :)
No, I think she's hiding.
No she's gone
Okay. She's gone.... hiding. 😊
Shes dead hiding....