Collage by SafariFire


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(here is our role play chat page)
Okay. You go first.
*walks down the school hallway, and Brandon (the jerk jockey kid) pushes her and the books go flying everywhere* Aurora: Ugh!! I hate you one of these days someone will stand up to you!” Brandon: blah blah blah I don’t see anyone around here willing to do that babe!”
(I’m going to remix a pic of Brandon)
S- *walks up* Hey you jerk! What’s wrong with you? Pushing books like an idiot. Don’t you have anything else to do Mr. Player?
S- Or should I call you Rich Kid?
Brandon: What do you think your doing!? Huh! I could squash you like an ant! I’d step away before something bad happens! 😡
(Justin is the nice rich kid, and Brandon is the mean rich kid, their also brothers.)
S- *stands to his height* Listen here. It doesn’t matter who wins. I’ll beat you enough to have your ego in pieces.
is S the girl or boy they both has s names?)
(Oh whoops this is Sam)
(From now on Sam is Sa)
*brandon is still stepping on Auroras stomach, not hard but like a champion would.* A- * coughs* *punches his shoe and try’s to get him off her.*
Sa- Let’s find out *pulls out 500 page history book and smashes the spine into B’s head*
Sa- *pulls A out* Hey. You okay?
*book hits him* B: OUCH! *feels face and see’s blood on his hands.* NOW YOUVE DONE IT! before he can do anything he sees a teacher coming out of the corner of his eye and gets off of Aurora and starts to pretend like he’s in real pain.*
Teacher: What is going on here! I think I deserve a explanation!”
B- “this girl! she pushed Aurora over, and then hit me with a book!”
Sa- I was doing what I felt was right. I don’t need to offer an explanation.
A- * coughs* y-yea.”
Teacher: detention! ALL OF YOU!
A: no, that’s not what happened at- Teacher: I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT!
Sa- *shrugs* Okay. Sure. *to A* If this weeb bothers you just tell me.
A- thanks. I’m Aurora.
Sa- *smiles* Anytime. I’m Sam. *walks away and stops* I’ll see you around. *continued walking away*
*smiles back* *walks to next class where Theo is*
(Who’s Theo?
(oof nvm)
*smiles back, walks to next class with Scott.*
(Okay. Scott is St)
St- *to A* Hey. What’s up? You’re late.
A- Hi. Yes sorry a guy tripped me and Sam thankfully helped me. There’s your explanation.”
St- Who’s Sam?
A- I made a new friend her names Sam.
St- Oh cool! You should introduce me later.
A- sure!
St- Alright! Let’s get to class.
A- I hate math class so much.
St- ugh same.
a- I really hate algebra
St- *looks over* Do we have the same lunch period?
*looks over* yep
St- Okay. That's a relief. I wouldn't want to be eating alone at a table. *laughs*
(Hey, my phone got taken away last week so sorry if my responses are delayed.)