⚠️EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!⚠️ I was looking at some hate pages and am utterly disgusted at how many people are being rude and unkind to the people starting the hate pages. They do not deserve to die. Saying that causes more suicide problems. Tell them to #spre


⚠️EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!⚠️ I was looking at some hate pages and am utterly disgusted at how many people are being rude and unkind to the people starting the hate pages. They do not deserve to die. Saying that causes more suicide problems. Tell them to #spre

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know that they must have a horrible life to think that hating on someone else makes them feel better about themselves
preach sister
so true
I completely agree, jut because someone is being mean doesn't mean you can say: " you have no talent", "I bet you're ugly", "I hate you", "get off the internet ", "you're a *****", "go die". I've seen all of these on hatepages. And I just try to do my best to give them someone to talk to.
^^ I agree with white roses. I see that in the hate pages a lot. That's why I just try to talk to them. Their is already a hash tag for this from early 2017 cause piccollage was running into the same problem