PicCollage only edit


PicCollage only edit

29 0
this is so pretty β˜„
ayo wassup fam it's beautiful, i kinda did what u did but for a different reason, i've been thinking about doing this for a while, but i'm the one dat is so yeah dat one
tbh idk when i'm gonna officially announce this but it'll happen eventually
ikr but i blurred the street name so it's all good πŸ‘πŸ˜†
This one is really nice 😺😻
Do you know what happened to Porcumines?? I believe she's on private but since you two know each other irl too I though I'd be best to ask you 😢
oh sucks :( Well please don't also go on private, you two are two of the best editors here and your second account is my daily source of -relatable- memes ^^
nice to hear and no problem, I'm just telling the truth :)